Thorough Examination: Faults and what they mean

Once a Thorough Examination has been completed a report will be issued. Any faults found will be recorded and will have a code that relates to the severity of the fault. To ensure the safety of your operation certain faults need to be rectified before being used again. Find out what ‘ABC’ and Now faults mean below.

“Now” faults:

Faults which are a danger to persons or property and/or measurements that meet or exceed the maximum permissible wear or deviation. This includes chains (3%) and forks (10%), excessive damage to components or assemblies, ineffectual steering or brakes, fuel leaks or excessive oil or coolant leaks, excessive distortion, or damage to the structure.

Beacon and horn faults may be risked assessed by the Examiner dependent on site conditions and use of the equipment.

Equipment will be removed from service (VOR) and the customer, truck user and any relevant persons will be notified. A notice is attached to the equipment, in a prominent position, stating the nature of the fault. A photograph will also be taken for the inspection companies records.

“A” Level faults:

Faults that may become a danger to persons or property. Control function and labelling that will need to be fixed as soon as practicable but within a maximum of 1 month.

“B” Level faults:

Faults which may or may not become a danger to persons or property. Wear of assemblies or components. May continue in use until the next service period whereby they can be fixed or checked for any further deterioration.

Old forklift with faults

“C” Level faults:

Observations and comments on the general condition of the equipment and any recommendations.

Criteria for issue of Certificate

All “Now” & “A” Level faults will have to be fixed and we (or the Thorough Examination company) notified in writing (job sheet copy/email) so that the Certificate can be issued.

If you have any questions or concerns with anything on your Thorough Examination reports please get in touch.

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